Construction of facilities completed
SAMPLING makes home in its new laboratory space. The wet lab and dry lab facilities are located in the Faculty of Applied Sciences adjacent to the existing Synthetic biology laboratories. SAMPLING and the University of West Bohemia also signed a collaboration agreement providing the company-wide access to the research centre’s resources.
Laboratory receives City Prize for innovation in biotech
An eight-member team led by the young scientist Daniel Georgiev won the City Prize for yeast based technologies. The mayor awarded the prize during a ceremonial meeting at the Pilsen City Hall on 98th anniversary of the country’s independence.
Articles of Incorporation
XENO Cell Innovations s.r.o. (fully owned subsidiary of Sampling Human, Inc.) was founded by a three-member team of young researchers, Martin Cienciala, Daniel Georgiev, and Hynek Kasl, looking to develop a new generation of information technologies using synthetic biology.